How To Become a Good Volleyball Player?
If you are looking to improve your volleyball game whether it be indoors or on the beach, we have found some of the best tips on becoming a good volleyball player.
When playing volleyball there are six areas that you should focus on improving:
1. Passing
Perfecting your pass will help improve your game immensely. With that being said, make sure to practice and perfect your forearm pass, which is the pass most commonly used in volleyball; however, passing overhead is another option.
When performing a forearm pass, make sure you use your legs and hips as well as your arms.

2. Setting
Setters are usually the team leaders for a reason, their task is extremely important for the team’s success. Setters are the second player to hit the ball and need to anticipate where the ball is going to go and properly line up to set it.
It is recommended to get to the target, be ready to move, beat the ball to the spot, and lastly, stop and set. But, sometimes players do not have the time to stop, so it’s recommended that the player shift their weight from their left to right foot.

3. Spiking
This is the action that makes volleyball so famous, as it is eye catching and easily seen by the crowd. It’s also an effective offensive method for teams to prevent the other team from returning. It’s important for players to pay attention to their elbow position, shoulder height and opposite arm position.

4. Blocking
Blocking is one of the underestimated skills of volleyball, but it important to help players return the ball before it has even crossed the net. Timing and having a good eye on the front row players is important when blocking.
Additionally it’s important to keep your hands opened wide to occupy more space for blocking and keeping fingers and thumbs spread wide and pointing to prevent them from being jammed. Being able to jump up straight is also important so the player doesn’t accidentally hit or touch the net.

5. Digging
Digging is a defensive move and will help block the other team from spiking or attacking. To be good at digging, it’s important to pay attention to timing and the hitter, so you can see what direction they will be hitting to.
It’s recommended that diggers stay on their toes and the balls of their feet instead of their heels, maintain a steady position to absorb hard driven balls easier, have their arms bent and in front of them.

6. Serving
Serving is vital for good volleyball player and an important skill for the whole team. Two serves that are the most common are the underhand and overhand serve. For beginners, the understand serve is best to start with.
If the player is right-handed, it’s recommended to hold the ball in your left hand with your right hand in a fist with the thumb up, to send it over the net, the play will make contact with the underside of the ball.