Full Commando Leggings Saved My Life

I haven’t always worn leggings. I just always thought that leggings weren’t for me (which is crazy, because leggings are for everyone). But when I did start wearing leggings, I still fell into the stupid mistakes that everyone does, and still ended up uncomfortable. I didn’t do anything about it, though, because I was so far in the dark. It took something awfully, terribly embarrassing to make me do something about it and find the light. I mean,

Seriously, it might have been the worst day of my life

I’m glad I did find the light, but did the reason for it have to be so awful? Anyway, this is my story. I’d just started yoga classes – that’s why I started wearing leggings, by the way – and to be honest, I was pretty clueless. One day, I woke up late and had no time for my latte before yoga. I was tired, and I hadn’t packed my gym bag, either (big mistake). I was grabbing whatever I could get my hands on (do you see where this is going?), stuffing them into my bag, and I raced out of the house. And I got to the gym, and felt so pleased with myself for getting there in time, that I just got changed without really thinking about it.

“On display” to everyone

Of course, when I got in there, I was my usual loner self. It felt different from normal though. I could swear people were looking at me funny. But I just rolled out my mat and waited to get started. It was only when we started Down Facing Dog that I could tell something was up. I could hear whispers. The teacher came over, then, weirdly, told the class to continue and asked to have a word with me. Have you guessed what she said? My leggings were see-through, and I was “on display” to everyone.

I have never been more embarrassed. Ever. All these people, who didn’t even like me, had just seen way more than I usually show to anyone. I wasn’t even wearing a nice thong. I went bright red, and just bolted. And I didn’t even get my mat – just ran straight out of there, and never went back. Of course, I did say it turned out fine in the end (actually better than that). After spending days feeling like the biggest idiot, my friend got me to try her gym. It was so much better. Everyone was friendlier and gave me advice. The best tip I got, on the first day, was about going Full Commando. No more need to worry about VPL or thongs that ride up and can cause health problems – just the freedom to move. And these Full Commando leggings they told me about wick sweat, so I’m dry as I can get during yoga class, and they aren’t see-through! It was like a revelation – I had finally seen the light. I bought so many pairs. Full commando leggings definitely saved my life (that, and changing to a completely different gym, but mostly the leggings). Click here to try Full Commando now.

P.S. Full Commando Shorts are available exclusively at ProVolleyballShorts.com – If you purchase 4 of them as a package you receive 30% off!!