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If you are looking to improve your volleyball game whether it be indoors or on the beach, we have found some of the best tips on becoming a good volleyball player. When playing volleyball there are six areas that you...
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Knees undoubtedly suffer throughout the course of a volleyball game. Players constantly dive to the floor to get the ball, and their knees suffer a blow against the floor. The impact of the fall is influenced by the whole weight...
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For those who follow volleyball sport, it is a known fact that Brazilians excel and easily outscore anyone in the volleyball court. Dubbed as the volleyball nation, Brazilians are so good with the volleyball sport that they are known for...
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Every sport has its own sets of rules that must be followed throughout the game, and volleyball is of no exception. Despite these clearly defined rules, mistakes are prone to happen, particularly among newbie players. 9 Common Volleyball Mistakes Newbie...
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If you have ever wondered how a volleyball team is organized, here is a quick explanation of the different volleyball players positions. What Are Volleyball Players' Responsibilities? Volleyball is an organized team sport with six volleyball players per team and...
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